
David Aaro is a multimedia journalist with eight years of experience working for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Fox News, Miami Herald, Miami Hurricane, Florida Newsline, Special Olympics and First Coast News.

Fox News

In 2019, David moved to New York City to work as a reporter for Fox News digital at their headquarters near Rockefeller Center. He worked at Fox News for 3.5 years writing over 3,500 stories ranging from sports, hard news, world affairs, lifestyle, feature and entertainment – that routinely made Fox News’ front page and top stories of the day.

Fox News Articles

Sports | Health & Science | Crime & Politics | World

Miami Herald

At the Miami Herald David covered events and wrote a wide variety of stories including a safety program keeping the legacy alive for Steven Sotloff, a journalist murdered by ISIS, relief efforts in Puerto Rico, investigative traffic problems, a historical overview of Eastern Airlines, plant development by astronauts in space and many more. He also gained experience writing same day stories and thrived in an intensive environment having never missed a deadline. 

Let’s get in touch

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.